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OTAO's Lobbyist: Niki Terzieff

OTAO employs Niki Terzieff to work on behalf of all Oregon OTs at the state level. The OTAO Legislative Committee works directly with Niki throughout the year to best advance OT related concerns in our Capital.  

OTAO can only afford to employ Niki’s services through the funds collected from membership fees. It is for this reason that your OTAO membership is so important to the Board of Directors. Your membership allows Oregon OTs to have a greater presence in all legislative matters that impact our respective areas of practice throughout the state, and most importantly, impact the services of those we so proudly serve. 

OTAO funds Niki’s services solely through membership fees. This makes your OTAO membership crucial to have a stronger voice in legislative matters that affect our practices and the services we provide for all Oregon OTs. 

A portrait of Niki Terzieff smiling. She is wearing a white and black top and hoop earrings, has her dark hair in a ponytail.

More About Niki Terzieff

As President of Leading Edge Public Affairs, Niki Terzieff leverages over 15 years of experience in Oregon politics, including policy work and campaign management. Her extensive career has significantly shaped the current political landscape, fostering long-standing relationships with leaders from both parties and chambers. In a relatively short period, Niki has built a robust network of direct contacts with today's and tomorrow's influential leaders.  Niki has made a significant impact in Salem by shaping, negotiating, and advancing legislation for a diverse range of clients and perspectives. She has successfully championed issues across healthcare, small business, human services, and public safety sectors, collaborating with all 90 legislators, the Governor’s office, and various regulatory bodies. Her deep experience, strategic relationships, and relentless drive have led to numerous legislative successes. 

Outside of her Capitol and campaign work, Niki is actively involved in fundraising for the Political Action Committee she founded, End Violence Against Women (VAW-PAC), and serves on the Board of Directors for the Women’s Investment Network. 

OTAO Membership Fees allow lobbying efforts such as:

  • Monitoring state legislation affecting OT delivery in Oregon
  • Assessing state legislation that impacts client access to OT services
  • Developing legislator support for the OT profession
  • Consulting with OTAO board members
  • Testifying on behalf of OTAO
  • Collaborating with interdisciplinary healthcare providers on legislative issues impacting delivery of care
  • Leading the OTAO Legislative Da, facilitating OT-policy maker interactions 

Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon

PO Box 86231, 5010 SE Foster Road, Portland, OR 97286 | 971.266.4328 |

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