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Your Membership Includes

Description: Group of four sit around a table looking at a paper collaboratively.

Advocacy - OTAO employs a lobbyist to both monitor legislation and advocate on behalf of practitioners on matters that apply to occupational therapy practice.

Discounted Access to Continuing EducationEarn your CE Credits at OTAO events, workshops and the Annual OTAO Conference.

Members-Only access area on WebsiteA section just for our members that includes Special Interest Sections, Regional Groups, Member Search, and other content areas.

Membership DirectoryLocate your fellow colleagues in our new easy and expanded member list.

Professional ResourcesOnline and Board Access to resources for clinical development, and professional collaboration.

Professional NetworkingOTAO provides a variety of platforms for Occupational Therapy Collaboration such as OT Night Out and our Virtual OT Night In.

Subscriptions/EmailOTAO members are kept up to date with emails.

Quarterly NewsletterA comprehensive update of organizational and community happenings.

Scholarship & Grant FundsMembers are eligible and encouraged to apply for available student scholarship & grant funds.

Career CenterOTAO offers an area on the website to view a variety of posted jobs.

Volunteer CenterGet involved in areas that interest you! OTAO is made up of a volunteer board and we always welcome new members.

Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon

PO Box 86231, 5010 SE Foster Road, Portland, OR 97286 | 971.266.4328 |

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