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Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon

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Low Vision Rehabilitation: Considerations for OT Practice in Oregon

  • 07/08/2024
  • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Zoom

Join Mallory Apel, OTR/L for a course in Low Vision Rehabilitation. This course will support your understanding of a low vision diagnosis and how this can impact your client's participation in ADLs and IADLs, influence OT evaluation, and be considered during intervention. This course will also explore the use of low tech devices that are available in all parts of Oregon (including rural areas), and how to use those devices to facilitate client participation. 

This free continuing education event is open to OTAO members and non-members. Please register for planning purposes. The Zoom is

Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon

PO Box 86231, 5010 SE Foster Road, Portland, OR 97286 | 971.266.4328 |

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